2 In Street Style Archive

Béa and Moi…


Today, while queuing for the Armani show, I bumped into my editor at heart… (yes some have their editor at large, their fashion editor, or simply their editor-editor, I have an editor at heart…) Also known as Bea Ercolini… Because if I had to choose my ideal editor it would have probably been her. Béa who is the editor in chief of the Belgium ELLE  has the amazing quality to be very down to earth, which, I assure you, in the fashion world, is as rare as healthy Big Macs, or smiling Parisian waiters… (I swear, quasi nonexistent..!)


Anyway it didn’t take us long to realize that we were both wearing the same bright orange…  Which brings up to my mind this phrase, that couldn’t have been more true than in that moment: “Great minds, think alike” 😉


I thought she looked effortlessly elegant in her orange oversized shirt dress. Simple but with an impact! And she’s not afraid to smile..! She even suggested that we take this picture of us. (Living proof that orange is THE color 😉 So how cool is she ?



Thanks for your time Béa!


I am wearing: shirt: Valentine Avoh * trousers: Courrèges
And all this wouldn’t have happened without Geoffroy…! Merci pour les invits 😉
Stay tuned for more pictures and stories on fashion week Milano!

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  • Limasim
    29 September 2011 at 14 h 50 min


    and I really like your blog <3


  • Valentine
    1 October 2011 at 12 h 26 min

    Thank you Lisa!