4 In Street Style Archive

Viviana’s Jump

Right after asking Eleonora to flip her dress, I saw the lovely Viviana Volpicella coming out of the Dolce & Gabbana show. She was wearing a cute little coat and a pair of sneakers… So I thought to myself: “You have to ask her to so something sporty, something different… I mean, it not not every day that you catch her in flats…” So I asked her to jump. And… She did!!


So now, not only do we know that Viviana has a gift to put her colors together but she also does hop like a ballet dancer!

Merci Viviana!!


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  • lens & anything else
    14 January 2013 at 20 h 37 min

    I love following FW on your blog and these pics are a lot of fun!
    p.s.= great shoes…!!

    • Valentine
      15 January 2013 at 22 h 30 min

      Thanks!!! And I am glad to read you every time 😉 Take care!

  • Bisous Natasha
    15 January 2013 at 20 h 01 min

    I love the way this outfit is put together. I would never have thought of those sneakers, but it’s so lovely 😉

    • Valentine
      22 February 2013 at 12 h 51 min

      I know it is quite unusual of her but in the end it really does work!