5 In Street Style Archive


The beauty about taking pictures of strangers in the streets, is that it gives you the opportunity to travel without actually taking a plane! Like when I met Antara Motiwala… The beautiful fashion editor of GQ India, also known for her natural elegance and poise.

I remember being on my bike in between shows, during the last Milan men fashion week, when I spotted her across the street in Via Montenapoleone. Disregarding the traffic, I cycled into her direction and asked if I could take her picture. She kindly accepted, after which we talked a little about her and she told me that her stunning and original outfit was from a young talented Indian designer called Nishka Lulla. As you know, I am really into traditional/ethnic clothing so I was really happy to discover a new brand which I would have probably never heard off otherwise. A few days later, I went onto Nishka’s website and fell in love with most of the pieces from her collection, especially the blue version of what Antara is wearing and this white dress.

Back to Antara, I love the simplicity of her outfit, its colorful and playful prints but more than anything its cropped top! I would probably have to do a few abs before I could rock it like she does, but it is a sacrifice I am definitely willing to make ๐Ÿ˜‰

She completed her look with a classic Alexander McQueen bag. And as for the sandals… If only I remembered where she got them, it would have probably save me a lot of time last month while on the hunt for the perfect summer flats! Did I mentioned that Antara was absolutely adorable and very kind? You can discover more about her in this interesting interview.

alexander mcqueen, alexandermcqueen bag, nishka lulla

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  • Comtesse Sofia
    21 August 2013 at 10 h 54 min

    You’re right, that crop top has a very nice shape -showing just enough skin! And the blue crop shirt and calf-length skirt have this amazingly deep colour! It must be the India dyes.

    X, Comtesse Sofia

  • Anush M.
    22 August 2013 at 20 h 34 min

    I too have a love for ethnic clothing, however, I am at times afraid that I will not be able to pull it off!

    ps. V. thank you for sharing your discoveries, love your posts. I am in love with the “white dress” as well and already in the process of placing an order ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Valentine
      5 September 2013 at 3 h 24 min

      Hi Anush!

      Thanks a lot for your lovely words! I know what you mean… I think it might be safer to try some pieces at first instead of a complete ethnic outfit. Then you can see if you feel comfortable in it and do the total look ๐Ÿ˜‰

      I hope you could order the item you wanted. Please, send me the picture, I would love to see how you pulled it off!


  • 613style
    1 September 2013 at 1 h 26 min

    SO cute, and good on you for discovering her. You really never know just who you’re admiring until you ask ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’m an instant fan of your blog, traced you from IFB & look forward to reading more!


    • Valentine
      5 September 2013 at 3 h 27 min

      Thanks a lot!!
      Yes sometimes I feel shy to ask, or I just don’t feel like it but the truth is that I should do it more as it is always nice to discover new designers and brands outside the magazines ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Ps: I am happy you are enjoying my blog. Yours is very cool!