1 In Street Style Archive

Birthday Girl: Tamu McPherson

As you can see I have been a little bit absent from the blog lately as I am currently on holiday! However if you want to know what I have been up to (=literally nothing 😉 don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Facebook where you can have a peek at my virtual holiday journal…



This being said I decided to take some time away from the sea to wish an happy birthday to Tamu McPherson, editor in chief of Grazia.it and talented photographer behind the blog All the Pretty Birds. For the occasion, I dug into my archives and found some unpublished pictures of her versatile style… I can’t wait to see what she will be wearing next season!



Happy Birthday Tamu!


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  • Piaget
    31 July 2012 at 0 h 23 min

    Glad to see you’ve gotten the chance to update! I absolutely love the first outfit; the brights of the red and orange and fantastic and I like the detail on the belt, also.

    Great post!